Rendering a list of items in JSX is usually done with

class MyComponent extends React.Component
  render() {
    return <div>
      { => <span>{item}</span>) }

While the above approach in fact works, it has too issues:

  • Does not support for...of and the ES6 iteration protocol
  • Handling conditional display is awkward, for example
    • Do not render item if item.visible is false
    • Display items until their price field totals at 100
    • Display only the fist 10 items, the first 3 with some different markup

Whatever solution you choose you’ll probably end up dynamically constructing an array of result elements and return that from JSX. One clean and fun way for that is spreading out generator functions:

class MyComponent extends React.Component

  renderItems*(maxCount, maxSumPrice) {
    let count = 0
    let sumPrice = 0
    for(product of store.items) {
      sumPrice += product.price
      if (count++ < maxCount && sumPrice < maxSumPrice) {
        if (count < 4) {
          yield <ProductTile product={product} />
        } else {
          yield <ProductLink product={product} />

  render() {
    return <div>
      {[...this.renderItems(10, 100)]}